Spring Prose

Winter gives way to Spring quietly with a warming of the air, melting of the snow , opening of the blossoms, the return of the robins and the buzzing of bees. And as if all in one moment, the miracle happens and the world is in bloom. Each bird that sings this spring sings for […]

IoT Olympiad and Cleveland [R]IoT

BlueBridge Networks was honored to sponsor and participate in the IoT Olympiad March 13-14 at Case Western Reserve University along with One Community. OneCommunity and its CEO , Lev Gonick have taken the lead encouraging the region to “Dream Big”. The Internet of Things ( IoT) , the focus of the IoT Innovation Olympiad inspired […]

Cloud Easy as 1, 2 , 3 – Part 3 – Data Storage

Cloud Easy as 1, 2 3 – Part 3 DATA STORAGE Storage: It’s the foundation upon which every IT department builds its strategy. It’s also the digital embodiment of everything your business has, is or will do. In the last 20 years, the need for larger and larger repositories to store those critical ones and […]

Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 – Part 1

Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 How to see clearly in the cloud transformation “Cloud” has been a buzzword the last several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. So what is all this talk of IT in the sky? In its simplest form, cloud […]

Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary

Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary BlueBridge Networks has its Data Center Flagships in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and access to various Cloud Nodes in cities in Canada and across the United States. Archiving- Archival storage is storage for data that may not be currently used but is kept for possible future use […]

Winter Prose and Musings

From the running trails this morning… Pictures often times fail to fully capture the profound beauty seen by the eye and absorbed by every cell in the body. Words are not always able to do justice to the moment… Whenever I am present somewhere I make myself available to hear “songs in the silence”. These […]

2015 Mantra – “Be Present – Be Kind”

My Mantra for 2015 will continue to be the same going forward as in the past few years… “Be Present – Be Kind.” Be present and kind in each moment to God, others and yourself. Be who you are and where you are at… In the category of for whatever it’s worth, here are a […]