The Importance of Shopping Local in Northeast Ohio

Published on ThePlus Northeast Ohio website, March 2014. “A small business must be a good steward of its resources, including time, talent and dollars. As in all efforts it must maximize its efforts and investments. Attending a trade or business show is no different …” Read full article

Poverty: The Mother of Innovation and Prosperity

The national media frequently rank Cleveland and Northeast Ohio at or near the top of various notable lists. Increasingly some of those lists illuminate glaring disparities about our area. The ones that keep coming up seemingly in the negative are centered on our poverty level. Certainly pockets of our metropolitan areas are more than 30 […]

Freshwater Cleveland founder Kevin Goodman

Published in Freshwater Cleveland, Feb 2014. “Meet Kevin Goodman, managing director of business development partner and one of the original seven employees of BlueBridge Networks, a leading total technology solutions provider…” Read full article

Philanthropy is Part of a Good Business Model

As a business development professional, I have a focus and drive to be a change agent and thus grow revenue. I am hyper-focused on giving back to our community and world. The No. 1 reason for “giving back” should be because it is the right thing to do. Helping an individual or an organization by […]

The Path to Universal Success Begins in Your Backyard

When and where we can buy local, we must do so. The impact to our local economies and quality of life is clearly impacted in a positive way by such purchasing decisions. As the global economic landscape continues to change, it becomes more important to retain dollars, increase jobs, and grow. The result of supporting […]

Kevin Goodman Wins Kent Clapp CEO Leadership Award

Published in Smart Business, Dec 2013. “This year, Kevin J. Goodman reached his personal goal of raising more than $100,000 for charitable causes – and completed the Boston Marathon. His concern and care for others was further demonstrated at the marathon this year when he assisted victims of the terrorist bombing …” Read full article