Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 – Part 1

Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 How to see clearly in the cloud transformation “Cloud” has been a buzzword the last several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. So what is all this talk of IT in the sky? In its simplest form, cloud […]

Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary

Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary BlueBridge Networks has its Data Center Flagships in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and access to various Cloud Nodes in cities in Canada and across the United States. Archiving- Archival storage is storage for data that may not be currently used but is kept for possible future use […]

The Value of Offsite Team Building in the Marketplace

An effective age-old way to build a team is to increase bonds and connections between persons in an organization. One route to that end is to convene special time away from the office. Taking a risk to move away from predictable entrenched patterns and allow time and space to engage in new approaches is a […]

Tech Experts Address Need to Attract and Retain Talent in Northeast Ohio

WARRENSVILLE HTS. — What’s the best way to attract technology talent to Cleveland? According to Lev Gonick, the CEO of OneCommunity, the city should take advantage of its “grittiness” because “one of the industries attracted to grittiness is tech.” Gonick was one of four panelists at the Oct. 1 Amplify Speaker Series luncheon at Corporate College […]

Bikram Yoga: A Secret Weapon in the Business World

For a number of years I practiced various types of yoga, from Kundalini to Hatha to Vinyasa. I have practiced on mountaintops around the globe, on beaches at each coast, ashrams, temples, monasteries, and multiple pop-up yoga studios. I remain a disciplined seeker of the joyous outcomes via yogic movement, breath, and pause. All along […]

Personal and Professional Reinvention

In the spirit of the summer season it is appropriate to celebrate independence and be mindful of freedom. Having meaningful work adds value to one’s life. With work taking up so much of one’s life, it is a place where we can express our talents and abilities. Today’s work life and fabric is very different […]