Buying local is most impactful

If we can grow stronger locally, we can then act and deliver more successfully globally. We go to the global market in a more meaningful and lasting way when we have grown strong in our own backyards When and where we can buy local, we must do so. The impact to our local economies and […]

Celebrating CSU: 50 Years of Cleveland State University

This past year Cleveland State University celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The year was marked by many festivities accented by the CSU Presidential Forum. Students, Alumni, Faculty and the Community witnessed a series of special panels featuring nationally renowned thought leaders who explored the future of education, healthcare business and leadership in northeast Ohio and the […]

The How & Why of Choosing a Data Center

By Kevin Goodman & Petar Bojovic Today’s fast-paced and ever-changing technology landscape requires a company to build an association with a complete end-to-end facility-based solutions provider with a range of products for the data center to maximize network performance, energy efficiency, and capacity for today and tomorrow’s demands. Our team at BlueBridge Networks over the […]

IT in the Sky: Is the Cloud Right for Your Business

What is the “cloud” phenomenon all about? You hear it constantly, but what does it mean and how can it be used to help small business owners? The cloud has been a buzzword for several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. In its simplest […]

IoT Olympiad and Cleveland [R]IoT

BlueBridge Networks was honored to sponsor and participate in the IoT Olympiad March 13-14 at Case Western Reserve University along with One Community. OneCommunity and its CEO , Lev Gonick have taken the lead encouraging the region to “Dream Big”. The Internet of Things ( IoT) , the focus of the IoT Innovation Olympiad inspired […]

The Value of Offsite Team Building in the Marketplace

An effective age-old way to build a team is to increase bonds and connections between persons in an organization. One route to that end is to convene special time away from the office. Taking a risk to move away from predictable entrenched patterns and allow time and space to engage in new approaches is a […]