If we can grow stronger locally, we can then act and deliver more successfully globally. We go to the global market in a more meaningful and lasting way when we have grown strong in our own backyards When and where we can buy local, we must do so. The impact to our local economies and […]
Taking care of the community should be woven into the DNA of every company
Two of my criteria for contributing time, talent, and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission revolve around whether the effort will give voice and whether the contribution will move the needle. GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web- and data-centric world, websites and online presence […]
Meet in the Middle During this Last Quarter
As the year begins to wind down, it’s a good time to stop, pause, and reflect. How are you doing? Are you meeting or exceeding your company’s goals and objectives? Sometimes the simple and seemingly mundane modifications or adjustments can provide great change and/or needed momentum. We often think we are too busy doing what […]
The Summer of ’15 Internships — A Positive Impact on Both the Business and the Participants
Many times we are so busy in our businesses doing what we have to do that we don’t take the time to slow down and do what we should do. One of the things businesses of all types and sizes should do is bring interns into their day-to-day environments. There are many compelling reasons to […]
Successful entrepreneurs always find a way to help the less fortunate
I decided that as a corporate citizen I could come up with a strategy that would align myself and our company’s time, talent, and treasure with the Missions of the United Way – Education, Income, and Health as a way to help move the needle and eradicate poverty and improve the overall quality of life […]
IoT Olympiad and Cleveland [R]IoT
BlueBridge Networks was honored to sponsor and participate in the IoT Olympiad March 13-14 at Case Western Reserve University along with One Community. OneCommunity and its CEO , Lev Gonick have taken the lead encouraging the region to “Dream Big”. The Internet of Things ( IoT) , the focus of the IoT Innovation Olympiad inspired […]
Tech Experts Address Need to Attract and Retain Talent in Northeast Ohio
WARRENSVILLE HTS. — What’s the best way to attract technology talent to Cleveland? According to Lev Gonick, the CEO of OneCommunity, the city should take advantage of its “grittiness” because “one of the industries attracted to grittiness is tech.” Gonick was one of four panelists at the Oct. 1 Amplify Speaker Series luncheon at Corporate College […]
Bikram Yoga: A Secret Weapon in the Business World
For a number of years I practiced various types of yoga, from Kundalini to Hatha to Vinyasa. I have practiced on mountaintops around the globe, on beaches at each coast, ashrams, temples, monasteries, and multiple pop-up yoga studios. I remain a disciplined seeker of the joyous outcomes via yogic movement, breath, and pause. All along […]
Groundbreaking from the Start: how local companies helped shape the world
Published in Freshwater Cleveland, July 2014. “Cleveland historically has been home to entrepreneurs with innovations that helped shape the world as we know it today. From Charles F. Brush’s arc lamps that illuminated the streets of Wabash, Indiana in 1880, making it the first electrically lighted city in the world…” Read full article
How Small Firms Can Make Customers Feel Safe Online
Published in Wall Street Journal – June 2014. “It’s hard enough for big companies to reassure customers that their sites are safe from hackers. So how do small companies make people feel safe? Simply having a site that’s well protected against attacks isn’t enough, especially when small businesses seem like much easier targets …” Read […]