Examining cybersecurity trends and ways to protect yourself

It is said that more data and information was generated in 2012 than the previous 5,000 years. If this is true, we need to be more vigilant with our privacy and security. The digital era requires that we take time to instill practices proactive and reactive, strategic, tactical, including cultural practices, policies and procedures combined […]

Benefit from Cybersecurity & Privacy Training

When it comes to cyber security, the small shops seemingly fare better than their bigger brethren. The old adage of “The bigger you are, the harder you fall” seems to hold true in cybersecurity (at least in the press reporting) as larger stores seem to have more to lose and are a higher profile target. […]

The How & Why of Choosing a Data Center

By Kevin Goodman & Petar Bojovic Today’s fast-paced and ever-changing technology landscape requires a company to build an association with a complete end-to-end facility-based solutions provider with a range of products for the data center to maximize network performance, energy efficiency, and capacity for today and tomorrow’s demands. Our team at BlueBridge Networks over the […]

IT in the Sky: Is the Cloud Right for Your Business

What is the “cloud” phenomenon all about? You hear it constantly, but what does it mean and how can it be used to help small business owners? The cloud has been a buzzword for several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. In its simplest […]

“Talking SMAC” (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud)

The fact of the matter is that , at some point, you will suffer a security breach; you may even have a breach right now . Forrester predicts that in 2015, at least 60% of enterprises will discover a breach of sensitive data. Most breaches are not even discovered by the breached party. Inadequate incident […]

The Evolution of the BlueBridge Networks Cleveland Cloud Computing and Data Center

The Evolution of the BlueBridge Networks Cleveland Cloud Computing and Data Center Over the past 11 years, BlueBridge Networks has emerged as a state and regional leader in data storage, becoming the first-of-its-kind Ohio-based data center facility with facilities on different national power grids. With data center cloud computing facilities in Cleveland, Mayfield Heights and Columbus, Ohio, […]

Cloud Easy as 1, 2 , 3 – Part 3 – Data Storage

Cloud Easy as 1, 2 3 – Part 3 DATA STORAGE Storage: It’s the foundation upon which every IT department builds its strategy. It’s also the digital embodiment of everything your business has, is or will do. In the last 20 years, the need for larger and larger repositories to store those critical ones and […]