What is the “cloud” phenomenon all about? You hear it constantly, but what does it mean and how can it be used to help small business owners? The cloud has been a buzzword for several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. In its simplest […]
“Talking SMAC” (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud)
The fact of the matter is that , at some point, you will suffer a security breach; you may even have a breach right now . Forrester predicts that in 2015, at least 60% of enterprises will discover a breach of sensitive data. Most breaches are not even discovered by the breached party. Inadequate incident […]
The Evolution of the BlueBridge Networks Cleveland Cloud Computing and Data Center
The Evolution of the BlueBridge Networks Cleveland Cloud Computing and Data Center Over the past 11 years, BlueBridge Networks has emerged as a state and regional leader in data storage, becoming the first-of-its-kind Ohio-based data center facility with facilities on different national power grids. With data center cloud computing facilities in Cleveland, Mayfield Heights and Columbus, Ohio, […]
IoT Olympiad and Cleveland [R]IoT
BlueBridge Networks was honored to sponsor and participate in the IoT Olympiad March 13-14 at Case Western Reserve University along with One Community. OneCommunity and its CEO , Lev Gonick have taken the lead encouraging the region to “Dream Big”. The Internet of Things ( IoT) , the focus of the IoT Innovation Olympiad inspired […]
Cloud Easy as 1, 2 , 3 – Part 3 – Data Storage
Cloud Easy as 1, 2 3 – Part 3 DATA STORAGE Storage: It’s the foundation upon which every IT department builds its strategy. It’s also the digital embodiment of everything your business has, is or will do. In the last 20 years, the need for larger and larger repositories to store those critical ones and […]
Cloud as easy as 1, 2, 3 – Part 2 – Security and Compliance
Cloud as easy as 1, 2, 3 Security and Compliance BlueBridge Networks has its Data Center Flagships in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and access to various Cloud Nodes in cities in Canada and across the United States. Security in the hands of others in the cloud can be deeper, wider and more effective than on […]
Navigating Personal and Business Privacy and CyberSecurity in the Digital Age
A critical component of Security is impression. Much of what is deemed secure is often times more of an impression than a reality. The big box stores whether on line or brick and mortar may appear more secure, yet they are also at risk. As we have learned, Target was indeed the target – TJ […]
Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 – Part 1
Cloud Easy as 1, 2, 3 How to see clearly in the cloud transformation “Cloud” has been a buzzword the last several years, and with good reason. The cloud is rapidly reducing costs and improving efficiencies for businesses globally. So what is all this talk of IT in the sky? In its simplest form, cloud […]
Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary
Cloud As Easy as 1, 2, 3 Glossary BlueBridge Networks has its Data Center Flagships in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and access to various Cloud Nodes in cities in Canada and across the United States. Archiving- Archival storage is storage for data that may not be currently used but is kept for possible future use […]
There Are No Endings, Just Beginnings — Always Back to the Basics
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra By Kevin J. Goodman As this year comes to a close, I thought I would write about year-end reflections along with lessons learned in 2014. As I began to reflect I was reminded that, as in most things, lessons learned […]