Two of my criteria for contributing time, talent, and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission revolve around whether the effort will give voice and whether the contribution will move the needle. GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web- and data-centric world, websites and online presence […]
“Empowering and Giving Voice to Non Profits in a Web and Data Centric World”
Two of my criterions for contributing time, talent and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission is will the effort give voice and can the contribution move the needle? GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web and data centric world websites and online presence can indeed […]
Coding camps aimed at helping region’s workforce
The interest in Information Technology/Coding in Northeast Ohio has been tremendous – we are delighted to announce that all five coding camps were filled to maximum capacity last summer. The camps will provide 40 hours of rich-technology programming (curriculum development support provided by Hyland Software) that puts participants in the role of creating and […]
First and goal: Meeting the region’s workforce development needs is a team effort
First and goal: Meeting the region’s workforce development needs is a team effort Cleveland stands on the 10-yard line in a lot of areas. More people are moving downtown. Many neighborhoods are enjoying a resurgence. The schools system is improving. Emerging industries like film and hospitality are breathing new life into the city and the […]
Celebrating CSU: 50 Years of Cleveland State University
This past year Cleveland State University celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The year was marked by many festivities accented by the CSU Presidential Forum. Students, Alumni, Faculty and the Community witnessed a series of special panels featuring nationally renowned thought leaders who explored the future of education, healthcare business and leadership in northeast Ohio and the […]
The Summer of ’15 Internships — A Positive Impact on Both the Business and the Participants
Many times we are so busy in our businesses doing what we have to do that we don’t take the time to slow down and do what we should do. One of the things businesses of all types and sizes should do is bring interns into their day-to-day environments. There are many compelling reasons to […]
Successful entrepreneurs always find a way to help the less fortunate
I decided that as a corporate citizen I could come up with a strategy that would align myself and our company’s time, talent, and treasure with the Missions of the United Way – Education, Income, and Health as a way to help move the needle and eradicate poverty and improve the overall quality of life […]
IoT Olympiad and Cleveland [R]IoT
BlueBridge Networks was honored to sponsor and participate in the IoT Olympiad March 13-14 at Case Western Reserve University along with One Community. OneCommunity and its CEO , Lev Gonick have taken the lead encouraging the region to “Dream Big”. The Internet of Things ( IoT) , the focus of the IoT Innovation Olympiad inspired […]
Exciting Times in Cleveland – The 100 Gigabit in the Health Tech Corridor Creates a Catalyst for Continued Improved Quality of Life
Exciting Times in Cleveland – The 100 Gigabit in the Health Tech Corridor Creates a Catalyst for Continued Improved Quality of Life This week we have a growing list of movement in the Technology and Economic Development arenas to be excited about in Cleveland. On November 21st it was announced that Cleveland is getting a […]
Bringing Joy and Meaning to Our Lives by Giving It Away
Recently I had the privilege and joy to stop at The Shower Program at The St. Malachi Center and deliver donations and toiletries. It was one of the best parts of my day! Monday through Friday mornings, clean public shower facilities are available for homeless men and women. Towels and toiletries are provided free of […]